Parent With Confidence!
The Baby Manual™ is used by hospitals, doulas, pregnancy centers, lactation consultants, and adoption agencies to teach 1000s of parents nationwide.
“One of the most important parenting resources ever created. An absolute must-have for new parents!” – Stas Bogatyuk, Founder of
“Concise, entertaining, visual tutorial that deals with just about everything new parents will face.” – Armin Brott, Bestselling Author
Our Talented Experts
What's Inside: Online or DVD
The Baby Manual™ is an award-winning video series in which real parents, practicing medical professionals, and industry experts provide detailed answers and step-by-step demonstrations for all your first-time parenting questions.

1. Welcome!
- Watch a quick intro to The Baby Manual.
2. Baby Gear
So much to buy, so little space. Not to worry – you actually need a lot less than most “must have” lists would have you believe.
- Nursery
- Diaper Supplies
- Breastfeeding
- Clothing
- Grooming
- Car Seat
- Miscellaneous
3. Getting Home
You did it! You made it through delivery and are ready to head home. Now what?
- Seat Installation
- Securing Baby
- Greeting Pets
- First Day Home
4. Early Weeks
Yes, the first weeks home are amazing. And challenging. And full of surprises. Learning what to expect is the most important step in reducing the anxiety and making the most of this precious time.
- What to Expect
- Creating Routine
- Nighttime Parenting
- Baby Blues
- Bonding With Baby
5. Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding can at times be more challenging that most of us expect. Learn how you can prepare in advance and avoid common mistakes that lead to pain and low milk supply.
- Benefits
- Common Setbacks
- Proper Latch
- Positions
- Signs of Fullness
- Hunger Signs
- Milk Supply
- Engorgement
- Nipple pain
- Burping
- Manual Expression
- Pumping
- Storing Milk
- Warming Bottle
- Plugged Ducts
- Coffee & Alcohol
- Nursing in Public
6. Formula Feeding
We’ll share feeding and time-saving tips and address societal pressures on those who aren’t breastfeeding.
- Formula Types
- Preparation
- Planning Ahead
- Correct Bottle Feeding
- Mixed Emotions
7. Diapering & Bathing
The most important part about dealing with a messy baby? Keep your sense of humor! We’ll share a few tricks that make this part of parenting a breeze.
- Pee, Poo, & Spit Ups
- Changing Diaper
- Cloth Diapering
- Surviving Blowouts
- Cutting nails
- Sponge Bath
- Tub Bath
8. Reducing Crying
Babies cry – there is no way around it. However, there are many effective techniques that greatly reduce the amount of time they cry.
- Why Babies Cry
- Swaddling
- Rocking
- Shushing
- Pacifier
- Colic
9. Health & CPR
Learn which common health concerns you will likely encounter with your newborn. While our CPR demonstration is not a complete course, it will give you an idea on what to do if your baby is chocking or becomes unconscious.
- Diaper Rash
- Cradle Cap
- Baby Acne
- Diarrhea/Constipation
- Gassiness
- Colds & Fever
- Basic CPR
10. Sleep Routine
Many babies sleep whenever and wherever… until they are 3 months old! That’s when consistent routine and timing are critical.
- Why Sleep is Important
- Room Environment
- Early Bedtime
- Timing Naps
- Sleepy Cues
- Setting Routine
- Length of Naps
- Avoiding Crutches
- Night Time
- Sleep Training Methods
11. Fun Activities
Babies are a lot of work. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have a little fun too!
- Getting Outside
- Mothers’ Groups
- Talking to Baby
- Singing & Music
- Tummy Time
- Other Ideas
12. Out and About
Having a baby doesn’t mean staying home! Get yourself packed and go on exploring. You may see the world very differently now that you’re a parent…
- Packing Diaper Bag
- Feeding On The Go
- Changing On The Go
- Air travel
13. Finding Childcare
The idea of leaving your precious baby with a stranger can be a major source of stress. With proper research and preparation, you will have the confidence in knowing that your little one is in good hands.
- Choosing Care
- Nanny
- Daycare
- Advance Preparation
- Pumping at Work
- Emotional Challenges
14. Adjusting to Parenthood
Change in lifestyle that baby brings is inevitable. However, we can make the transition easier by anticipating some of the common stressors and learning how to deal with them.
- Transition of Identity
- Increase in Conflicts
- Finding Alone Time
- Postpartum Depression
- Challenges for Dad
- Sex Life
- Trusting Your Gut
Empower Your Journey
Choose: Online or DVD
- 4 Hours of Premium Content
- OnDemand HD Streaming:
- Unlimited Plays for 6 Months
- View on Web, Mobile, & Tablet
- Eco-friendly 2-Disc Set:
- Quickly Jump to Any Topic
- Reference for Future Pregnancies
Both Online & DVD
- 4 Hours of Premium Content
- OnDemand HD Streaming
- Eco-friendly 2-Disc Set
- View on Web, Mobile, Tablet, & TV
- Watch at Home or On-The-Go
- Convenience & Flexibility
- Excellent Baby Shower Gift
Premium Gift Bundle
- 4 Hours of Premium Content
- Both Online & DVD
- Organic Cotton Onesie, Hat, & Socks
- Organic Muslin Swaddle Blanket
- Washable Silicon Bib
- Greeting Card
- Large Gift Box
- $140 Value!