[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Testimonials” spacer=”line_with_icon” spacer_position=”bottom” line_height=”1″ line_color=”#7e9f98″ icon=”Defaults-heart” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#7e9f98″]Don’t just take it from us, let others do the talking![/ultimate_heading]

Stas Bogatyuk, founder of moms.com

“One of the most important parenting resources ever created. An absolute must-have for new parents!”


Armin Brott, author of 8 bestselling books on parenthood

“Co-created by a new dad in search of answers, this is a concise, entertaining, visual tutorial that deals with just about everything new parents will face. You’ll see and hear from real families with real problems, as well as from a wide variety of experts, including baby sleep coaches, pediatricians, lactation consultant, CPR instructors, and many others.”mrdad

Mom’s Choice Awards

“Among the best in family-friendly media, products and services.”MCA_Logo_5in_72

Lauren Williams, Founder of Warrior Mama Life

“The Baby Manual’s courses are an essential part of beginning your journey into parenthood. The detailed information on everything from baby care, to breastfeeding, to self care is unmatched with any other educational tools. Receiving expert training at the comfort of your home is much needed peace of mind during pregnancy, and the newborn stage!”

Helen Evans, registered nurse

“Becoming a parent is absolutely one of the most wonderful experiences in life, but can also be one of the most challenging experiences, especially in the early days. The Baby Manual Instructional DVD is a one stop, all inclusive tutorial filled with tips and tricks for your new journey ahead which includes real parents sharing real experiences and valuable information on the things they wished they had known prior to bringing home their first baby. I love how easy it is easy to navigate each topic in the index and also the summary page embedded in each video which includes the key points discussed for reference. Being an RN myself, I appreciate the section titled “Health and CPR” and feel passionate every parent should have to watch this clip before bringing a newborn baby home!!! Do you know what you would do if your baby stopped breathing? OR What you would do if your baby got something lodged in his/hers mouth? If you are ready to rid yourself of any and all pre-baby anxieties and rest calm at night….then look no further.”

“What’s outstanding is that The Baby Manual manages to be both professional and thorough, but in a warm, informal, non-threatening way. The producers achieved this effect by using a mixture of “experts” (from doctors to doulas to lactation specialists to sleep consultants) and “experts-by-experience” (young parents who’ve been in the trenches and lived to tell the story.) The combination is completely effective and listening to the young mothers and fathers candidly talking about “life after baby” is absorbing. The best “baby book” in the world couldn’t have the impact of seeing and hearing these real life stories.” – Whistlers Mom

“I didn’t expect that I would find it so fascinating. I started watching it and planned to watch a short segment each day and ended up watching the first DVD in one sitting and the second one the next day. And it’s roughly four hours long!” – Ashley

“This is not a cheaply or hastily made set of videos. The production values are professional quality, starting with a catchy song to introduce it. Skip that part unless you want to be humming it for a week. There are segments that cover every conceivable topic about preparing for and dealing with a newborn, from supplying the nursery to feeding to sleep schedules to medical emergencies.” – azbethany

“I honestly think that EVERY parent-to-be should watch these DVDs. The set isn’t cheap, but it opens with a section on furnishing the nursery with an emphasis on buying what you need and skipping the stuff you won’t use. That one section could save you many times the cost of these DVDs. You won’t regret buying them.” – Olya

“Forget the plastic keys and the booties. This is the best shower gift ever!” – KaylaC

“The only bad thing about this Manual is that we read SO many books and took several classes before finding it. As a couple who really did read over 20 “get ready for baby” books and went to all the recommended classes, I can tell you that this disc set has found all of the most important information and all of my favorite tips from all of my other learning, while also managing to cut out the redundant and not-so-helpful information that everything else seems to have” – Matthew Thibodeaux

“Before I came across this Baby Manual Program, I was a little clueless on how to take care of a new born baby. I am a new, young mother…and this DVD helped me TREMENDOUSLY!” – M Bulliner

“You get advice from moms (most have at least two kids), sleep coaches, doulas, lactation consultants, car seat safety experts, doctors, nurses, babysitting agencies, preschool directors, and family therapists. Like I said, there is a lot of useful info packed into these DVDs!” – Ladybug

“I really recommend watching this with the daddy to be also so when conflicts come up you can reference back to what you learned. or even find what works best for both of you.” – Misty M VanEpps

“My sister in law had the hardest time breast feeding and ended up just giving up. I wish I had this video to give her back then” – Christy D.

“This baby manual is like all of those 1000 baby books into 1 source” – Yourcutie

“Infant CPR is something my family was lacking on knowledge, so this alone made it worth its weight in gold to me” – Sharon Ferm

“The girl I got this for is a teenager whose mother passed away so she’s not going to have the expertise of her mom around to help with the baby. After I watched this movie with my daughter I feel better in knowing she’ll have this as a reference for her baby when he gets here. There was so much information in this 2 disc set, things I didn’t know and I have 4 kids.” – S. Ragland

“This baby manual is all you need, in addition to your doctor visits, to prepare yourself for the coming baby.” – Jonna

“This informative movie is extremely valuable and will become a new mothers BFF” – Mamas Thoughts

“There’s about 240 minutes of discussion, demonstrations, information & training packed into The Baby Manual. It’s a lot to remember. Thankfully, you won’t have to remember it all. The DVDs are divided into chapters making it easy to find the information you need.” – Haley K.

“There is so much great information in this DVD that I would say it is a MUST HAVE for all first time parents” – HonestyB

“I would definitely recommend this for any first time parents. It would probably also be useful for grandparents and babysitters who will be regularly around a new baby. This is well worth the investment.” – Fireslily

“The tips in this video are simply invaluable! From how CPR for Infants, how to introduce your pets to your baby, to discussing the issue of sex after delivery – this video series really has it all.” – R. Fuqua

“This DVD thought of everything from “Baby Gear” to “Breastfeeding” to “”CPR” to “Adjusting to Parenthood”!!! What makes this different, IMO, is the use of real parents mixed with the experts” – Jaclyn Smith

“My tenth grandchild is due to come into this world in November to first time parents. I had been looking for something that would cover everything they need to know. I like this because they can prepare ahead of time but also go back to refer after he arrives as situations occur.” – gdogdimondgirl

“The nursing part of the video went into great depth, which as a former lactation coach for WIC, I thoroughly enjoyed. I think this part itself could help so many people, especially those who are frustrated and fearing it.” – J.Carson

“The sleep training part of the videos alone would have saved my life.” – Alyssa

“This baby manual is basically a life saver! Yes I do know a little about babies but this movie help me to understand a lot more things.” – Faith

“Oh, my gosh, there’s a huge section on CRYING…how to reduce crying & how to soothe a crying baby. I don’t know if you’ve had experience with this, but I sure did. I finally had most everything figured out by the time my babies grew out of it. If I would’ve had this information back then, my life & baby’s would’ve been more serene & less stressful.” – Lynn V.

“Every new parent, at one point or another really wishes these little babies came with instruction manuals. That’s really what this DVD is!” – Jessica

“It’s one thing to read how to care for your infant, but I felt so much more comfortable after watching these videos.” – Jenny

“As an RN that worked in a hospital labor and delivery department, I know how nervous new Moms and Dads can be. I wish these DVDs would have been available at that time. I would have recommended them to all the new Moms and Dads. This is definitely a 5 star product.” – J. Trost

“This video program literally covers all of the important things that new parents need to know and that repeat parents need to remember.” – Kristin Burham

“I got this for my best friends baby shower and she loves it! She said it was the best gift she received. She said she has already watched it twice and she is feeling so much better about her baby jitters. She said that this manual is very informative and goes into great detail.” – Lindsey Green

“I bought this instructional DVD for my daughter who expecting her first child soon. My wife and I live thousands of miles away – and although we will be there for her when we can, hopefully this knowledge will ease her into motherhood” – poidog

“I bought this to give to my daughter who just had a baby. This was so informative! She had a ton of questions, and this manual really helped with her concerns on breastfeeding, sleep deprivation and how to communicate with her partner about her needs.” – Carolina Kaufman

“In today’s world having a baby we are to believe that you need lots and lots of stuff and in this manual that is not the case. It actually teaches you what you really need.” – M. Henning

“This product is great to help show expecting mothers and fathers the ins and outs of parenting that you just can’t get from a book.” – Ashley Fredenburg

“There is honestly EVERYTHING a new mother needs to know” – Jennifer Phillips

“I remember only getting 30 min. with the doctor, and then getting home and forgetting to ask him questions that I had, that is covered in this video.” – MrsD

“I especially enjoyed the part that goes over introducing your dog to the new baby. So many of my friends have forgotten to do that, and the dogs do not like the new baby.” – Kelly Bynum

“This DVD is great for visual learner like me. Especially, since it showed how other parents care for their actual babies, real babies, not using fake baby dolls.” – Adainaa

“I got this as a gift for my dearest friend who is expecting for the first time. Did I mention she hates to read? It’s an awesome way to get all the information to her without tormenting her.” – Lyndsay Corder

“This DVD is a one stop information manual for 1st time parents” – Rohit

“I got so bogged down with the books that I got lost in the information. These DVDs were informative and entertaining (I even got my husband to sit through them).” – Michele Harper

“Better than any book that you could get on this topic” – JassiRenae

“I was surprised at how little “baby gear” you actually need for a baby as well as how it IS possible to get sleep by helping your baby establish a sleep routine” – KLFlute

“Reading books together as a couple is difficult. I find it easier to watch something together with my husband. That is why The Baby Manual DVD set is perfect for us. We can sit down together and learn everything there is to know to prepare for parenthood – from infant CPR to finding childcare.” – Jaclyn Anne

“Everyone should watch the CPR chapter including the grandparents. That’s something a book can’t show you.” – Jason Alexander

“Don’t be like the most of us – don’t be the learn as you go parent! Why would you do that if you have this. Hope every new parent know about this and take advantage of it. This video is truly a “baby manual”. I never thought there would be anything like this.” – Arthur Ly

“I still remember the feeling of dread when my mom left after helping us for a few weeks with the new baby. I didn’t know which end was up, I felt lost and I had so many questions. This Baby Manual was amazing and so helpful” – Bella Forte

“This DVD is a fantastic resource, chock-full of information presented in a pleasing, clear, and most of all…SUPPORTIVE fashion” – J. Tant

A heartfelt and sincere THANK YOU to all those individuals who have provided feedback.  It fuels and motivates us to create even more tools that help parents thrive.